1 result for tag: halloween

Pumpkin & Butternut Squash Crumble Recipe

We’ve seen recipes for everything from Raw Pumpkin Pies (yep, raw) to Pumpkin Smoothies this year, but when the weather is as cold as it’s been in Scotland this week (into minus centigrades) you definitely need something hot and delicious to use up those Halloween Pumpkins! The very word ‘crumble’ conjures up feelings of warmth, homeliness and goodness, so why not give this one a go. PUMPKIN & BUTTERNUT SQUASH CRUMBLE INGREDIENTS 100g butter (nice and cold - straight out the fridge, cut into cubes) 150g flour (plain) 5g salt (sea salt is best) 110g Mature Scottish Cheddar 80g almonds or hazelnuts (roughly chopped) 550g ...