2 results for tag: Rabbie Burns

Gie her a haggis

Today, the 25th January marks the birthday of Scotland’s most famous bard and one of our national heroes, Rabbie Burns. Long standing traditions at Burns’ Suppers have become as much a tribute to Scottish food and drink, as to his work. But few probably realise just how closely each of the courses from Scotch Broth to Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, Cranachan and Cheese and Oatcakes washed down, most likely with more than just, a wee dram of whisky ties in with Burns the man, from his childhood experiences to his writing and his, shall we say, vivacious love for life. Much of Burns’ work, is itself, littered with Scottish culinary references. ...

Food, Fun & Fizz – Burn’s in Love!

Wedged firmly between Burns’ Night and Valentine’s, the twain did meet at a very special Scottish food & wine tasting in Glasgow on February 6th. We showcased once again Scotland’s infinite variety of top quality artisan produce, while Pieter Rosenthal of Cork and Bottle matched the menu with some superb wines from around the world that can trace their proud Scottish roots. Kicking off the love was a delicious glass of strawberry fizz from the Cairn O’Mohr winery; one of the producers we regularly visit on our one day Perthshire food tour. With the dates of our 2013 tours soon to be posted on our website why not join us in ...