4 results for tag: tours
What to do when you have the itchy feet travel bug during lock-down
Anyone else like me with the itchy feet urge to travel so bad that it's beginning to hurt already? Here's what to do.
We are on Day 13 of Corona Virus lock-down here in Scotland. And as they say us humans always want that which we cannot have! I can't lie. As a travel planner and tour leader I am desperate to be doing what I do at this time of year. It's the start of what up to now has generally been considered Scotland's main tourism season.
I yearn to be taking first time and repeat international visitors around the country helping them to uncover Scotland's true collage of gastronomic flavours, perhaps cooked themselves in one of our culinary ...
Come and celebrate the who, what, where and when with 5 Scottish Gin Ambassadors this International Gin and Tonic Day!
Today it’s #InternationalGinandTonicDay. What better way to celebrate than by catching up with a few of the local producers of our fave gin brands. Read on to find out their who, what, when and where when it comes to this timeless and really rather delicious refreshment. Remember, he or she who dares gins…..!
The Glasgow Gin
Fave way to garnish a gin & tonic?
Glasgow Gin really shines with a simple lime wedge and most tonic waters! But for something a bit more special a good chunk of fresh pear can really enhance the sherbet flavour and feels a little more posh.
Fave place to drink it?
Helping/hindering my chances at the pub quiz at ...
An altogether different Scottish Easter treat
Whilst most people will be deciding which chocolate egg to consume this Easter we decided to take a more seasonal approach to Spring dining. And the result, a rather unusual and delicious savoury/sweet shortbread. Thinking you’d probably rather stick to a chocolate egg? I promise you that you will be amazed at how good this shortbread is. Perfectly paired with a cup of tea or as a sweet biscuit with cheese it was inspired by one of our food heroes, Carlo Petrini.
We recently had a visit in Scotland from Carlo, the founder of Slow Food which encouraged us once again to look at ways of using products which have made it onto the Slow Food’s ‘Ark ...
Big Tastes indeed in Scotland in Minature
On the Isle of Arran, just an hour’s ferry trip from the Scottish mainland, they promise ‘big tastes from a small island’. Based on our latest 2-night food safari we certainly wouldn’t argue with their bold statement.
Arran has been said to come with a health warning. Visitors can be expected to suffer quickly from Arranitis. This condition starts with warm, feel-good feelings once arriving on Scotland’s 7th largest island and develops into full-blown euphoria! Arran is a stunning island with wonderful people, fabulous food & drink and we would suggest it is absolutely well worth taking the risk.
Many of Scotland’s top chefs use ...